

Puls Biznesu
TVP3 Lublin

Why so many trusted us

As a translation agency with many years of experience, we offer the service of distributing subtitles across the time of the video in accordance with the accepted principles of translating video content. When creating subtitles, we follow Netflix's guidelines.
Creating subtitles and dubbing for feature films, commercials or documentaries, requires that the translator possess professional knowledge, understanding of, among others, the cultural, political or historical context. Vocabulary, as well as humour, must be understandable to the viewer and adapted to the subject matter of the film.
In addition, subtitles should be distributed properly, and, in the case of dubbing, the pace of reading and the cadence of the target language should be in harmony with the scene in the film. Such translations require a lot of patience and commitment.

Our clients have been entrusting us with translations of audio and video content for many years. Why? Our translators are required to possess specialist knowledge and be familiar with the cultural context, which guarantees that the essence of the recording's message is going to be preserved.
As a standard, we create subtitles according to generally accepted rules:
– the length of the line does not exceed 42 characters,
– the subtitle has no more than 2 lines,
– the reading speed does not exceed 17 characters/sec.


We guarantee

  • translations performed by specialists,
  • a 3-month warranty – in case of reservations, we will make a free correction,
  • fast and timely execution of orders.

Supported fields

Feature films, commercials, documentaries and training films [subtitles, voice-over]
Press kit and EPK (electronic press kit) – materials for the media
Transcriptions of foreign-language conferences and interviews
Voice guide (multilingual guides)
Audio advertising spots, dialogue lists, multilingual helpline and IVR recordings

Accepted formats

among others, YouTube, Vimeo, mp4, WebM, flv, SoundCloud, ogg and mp3
We prepare subtitles in dfxp, srt, txt and sub formats.

Adding subtitles to an online film

It should be noted that adding subtitles to films is very different from translating documents. When translating subtitles for a film, it should be kept in mind that the viewer must be able to read and follow the displayed subtitles easily. Translated subtitles for films must be concise and easily convey the meaning.

How to create subtitles for a film?

Below, we have prepared a list of guidelines that ought to be followed when creating subtitles for films.

  1. To ensure that subtitles can be read easily, they should not contain too many characters in one line. The limit of characters in subtitles is usually determined before the process of translating subtitles starts.
  2. A translator of subtitles also has to remember that people usually speak faster than they read, which is why only information that is the most important for the plot is included in subtitles.
  3. The subtitles must match the image displayed on the screen. The subtitles cannot be displayed for longer than a few seconds. When there is a longer pause between moments when the characters in the film speak, subtitles should not be displayed at all.
  4. If the entire text does not fit into one line, the translator divides the subtitles into two lines, so that the text is still grammatically correct and, therefore, easily readable. Typically, subtitles are divided into lines after punctuation marks or before words such as: because, as, or etc.
  5. A translation of subtitles for a film should consist of short and simple words (e.g. the phrase “is located in” gets replaced by “is in”).

Creating subtitles for films Price list

Translations of subtitles for films are diverse in terms of their topics, hence, their pricing is quite complicated. The price is influenced by factors such as the level of difficulty, the length of breaks during which nothing is being said and the client’s guidelines, including the accuracy of distributing subtitles across the time of the film.

You don’t know how much translating subtitles for films is going to cost? Send a query to us – we will prepare a free pricing for you.

Przejrzysta obsługa

15 January 2019

Gorąco polecam firmę Euro Alphabet! Całość usługi dzieje się przez internet. Pan Marcin był bardzo pomocny. Szybko odpowiadał na moje pytania zaraz po tym, jak wysłałam pytanie na czacie. Gotowe tłumaczenie otrzymałam w ciągu 3 dni. Za całość zapłaciłam z góry, bez żadnych późniejszych, ukrytych kosztów. Tłumaczenie otrzymałam w wiadomości e-mail z pytaniem, czy wszystko się zgadza. Na pewno będę korzystała ze strony ponownie.

Daję Euro Alphabet 5 gwiazdek!


Dziękuję za współpracę

7 January 2019

Dzisiaj zanieśliśmy tłumaczenie do urzędu. Zostało przyjęte bez uwag. Także myślę, że jak zajdzie konieczność tłumaczeń kolejnych wypisów, to na pewno skorzystam z Państwa usług.


Dokładnie i uczciwie

25 December 2018

Wycena dokładna i uczciwa, bo zawsze wiesz, za ile znaków płacisz, a termin jest ustalany z góry. Polecam!


Bezbłędny OCR

20 December 2018

Dziękuję za OCR i tłumaczenie 90 stron instrukcji w PDF!

Na pewno będziemy jeszcze zlecać.



20 December 2018

Wysyłają tłumaczenia przysięgłe nawet do Niemiec.

Dziękuję za szybką realizacje.

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